Tuesday, May 12, 2009

False Hopes

You shouldn't have to fly
4,000 miles to visit
an archives with
valuable records
treasured tomes
keys to unlocking
centuries of secrets

Only to hear
"Come back in a week."

Don't they know
my time is tiptoeing
out into the oblivion
evasively eluding
my frantic efforts
to twist its arm
and maneuver it into
a monotonously measured march?

You'd think
they could figure that out
if they run a repository

Couldn't they?


Chris said...

Responsefrom the RepositorianWhen you deal in eras and eons,
in generations,
life becomes expanded
into so present a history
that moments stumble
and hours trip together.

When one step takes you back
a generation,
and walking between here
and the drinking fountain
is a trip from Victorian to Tudor
and back,
sometimes you need to pause
and remember
and come back next week.

Kimberly said...

Ha! I love it! And I feel much less stressed-- thanks for helping me keep it all in perspective. :)