Sunday, November 23, 2008

In Dreams

This poem was written by my grandpa, for my grandma, while he was fighting in World War II:

I have no need for celluloid
To keep your face in view
For since our parting, night and day
In dreams I've walked with you

On memory's screen, I clearly see
The beauty of your face
While in my heart your memory
Will always have a place

When my impatient writing done
And at last am free
I'll see you then, the way I've dreamed
But in reality

Still, in the long night that stands between
In some far, lonely place
My darkest hour will be made bright
By the memory of your face

--Carroll H Wilson


Chris said...

That's really sweet.
Where was he when he wrote it?
Thanks for sharing that with us!

Kimberly said...

He was in Europe somewhere, driving tanks. I think it may have been Germany, but I'm not completely sure.
I have always loved this poem. I like to think that some of my poetic tendencies are genetic.